Ahmid Jamal Rhodes, a beloved soul whose presence graced the world for many years, has peacefully left this earthly realm on August 27, 2023. Born on August 17, 1974, in the vibrant city of Oakland, CA, Ahmid's journey led him through various paths, touching the lives of those around him with kindness and grace.
As friends and family gather to honor his memory, a Celebration of Life service will take place on November 16, 2023. The event will commence at 11:00 AM at Living Waters Funeral Care in Bakersfield, CA, providing a space for all who knew Ahmid to come together and reminisce about the impact he had during his time among us.
Ahmid's spirit will forever be cherished by his surviving loved ones - a testament to the profound connections he cultivated. In the hearts of his family members and friends, his laughter and wisdom will continue to resonate, offering solace and strength in moments of remembrance.
His departure from this world leaves an indelible mark on all who had the privilege of knowing him. May Ahmid Jamal Rhodes rest in eternal peace, his legacy enduring through the memories shared by those who were fortunate enough to be touched by his light.